Sleep is indispensable for life and the whole concept of sleep actually includes both sleeping and awakening.
A good-quality sleep is regarded as the regimen for modern people to pursue the healthy life. Whereas, according to the statistic reports, there're more and more people have sleep disorder problems, especially in those highly-developed countries. 'Music For Efficient Sleep' is the unique therapeutic series products of Music in China Publishing Co. which is designed mainly based on the Yin-Yang theories which have been applied in Chinese medicine. The series of products include 'Sleeping' and 'Awakening' which are composed respectively to help the insomniacs and hypersomniacs and all those modern people who intend to pursue efficient sleep and to achieve a better healthy condition. This special released 'Sleeping' is produced to help those insomniacs to overcome these causes which prevent them to fall asleep. It is designed according to the conjunction of Chinese music and medical theories to adjust the Yin Chi and Yang Chi gradually to achieve a better condition (when Yin Chi in excess and Yang Chi is sub-conceived) for sleep. The sedative and peaceful tune and the proper tone also create a comfortable and better surrounding for the listeners to fall asleep.
WIND MUSIC International Corporation. All rights reserved.
5F, NO 14, Lane 130, Min Chuan Road, Hsin Tien, Taipei, Taiwan 23141
TEL: 886-2-2218-5881 FAX: 886-2-2218-9485